This dessert is definitely a hit with kids and a sure winner at parties or get-togethers with friends and family. Made of layers of biscuit crumbs, cream cheese and strawberry jello, this tastes as good as it looks. Sadly, this dessert doesn't hold well in our weather (the jello was melting when I took the pics after slicing the slab below). So it's best served chilled right after dinner and store leftovers in the fridge else you'll see those tiny little fellas wandering around your worktop.

Speaking of tiny, I felt like a lilliputian yesterday. It was a long-awaited interview opportunity. I was exhilarated when I received their call, which I thought I didn't make it as the resume was sent 2 months ago. I was unusually nervous but I was all prepped (I even did my hair at a salon!) for the interview.
For a start, things doesn't look too good. It's not very reassuring when you see 5 other smartly-dressed with highly-educated-looks waiting for their turn to be called. It doesn't help when I'm petite (damn, I knew I should have worn those heels).
The real crunch came when the interviewer started with, "you don't have a degree in humanities or education...you'll have a longerrr learning curve..." stopped abruptly with pursed lips and eyes fixated waiting for my answer. What can I say? "Oh Ok, what the ____? Didn't you READ my resume? I'm a business communications grad! For Gawdddddd's sake."
Of course, I didn't or couldn't say that for the following reasons:
- I need a job
- I need the money
- No JOB = NO $$$
Plus the fact that it's a stat board, absolutely no obscenities unless you plan to migrate.
The interview was, of course, over in less than 5mins. I thanked them, excused myself and left with heavy steps, even the hair felt heavy. Maybe it's the hair.
Anyway, that was yesterday. I felt alot better now (after having 1/2 dozen of strawberry cheese). At least something to cheer about yesterday...perhaps, I should just stick to baking?