Monday, August 1, 2011

Reinvent, Revitalise and Revamp!

After long (overdue) thoughts and consideration, I've decided to quit my job and focus on Heychocolat Bakeshop. For a start, Heychocolat will be focusing on what this blog first started out with: Darn Good Chocolate Cake and other chocolatey desserts - Feel Good Brownies and Triple Indulgence Cheesecake (I will upload the pics soon!).

Prices have also been adjusted due to rising ingredient costs! I'm really bad with pricing and prices weren't adjusted for the past 3 years. But for all Heychocolat Fans (Just Click Like on Heychocolat FB page), you will enjoy 10% off all purchases for the first 100 fans only (excluding delivery charges if any). Afternote: I'm also really bad with tech stuff and a scatterbrain so you may want to email me with your name and email address just to confirm! (For those who'd ordered from me before, you are auto-included as my fans already!)

As for starting my own bakery/cafe, plans are underway and to my surprise, my dad actually helped sourced for a shop space near my place and asked if I wanted to takeover but with the current constraints, I'll just have to take a step at a time before jumping to run my own.

For the time being, I'm currently on the look-out for a good web designer to create a new website so it's more organised (rather than the haphazard posts and pics thrown everywhere on this blog). Do email me - if you're a web designer or if you know one.
Hope to hear from you soon!

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